“Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip,
but harm no child. Strike the chains off every slave you see! “
– Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name. Queen of Meereen. Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms. Protector of the Realm. Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. Breaker of Chains. Mother of Dragons.
That’s quite the mouthful for Missandei to get out every time Dany is presented (and she’s probably added a few more since you’ve been reading this), but when you’re that badass you collect a few prizes here and there. Just make sure you’ve got an extra large name tag for your Daenerys Targaryen Costume.
Daenerys Targaryen Costumes
This is one of the most in-depth pages on the Game of Thrones costumes, due to Dany’s prominence. She’s also the most travelled which accounts for an eclectic style. We’ll try and break her wardrobe down the best we can, in hopes that you find the most accurate look for your next cosplay event.

Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Dothraki Wedding Dress
“A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.”
– Illyrio Mopatis
When we first meet Daenerys Targaryen, she and her brother Viserys are staying at Illyrio’s manse in the Free City of Pentos. But they won’t be there much longer. Her dear brother, Viserys, is about to trade her to a Dothraki horse lord named Khal Drogo in exchange for an army. One he hopes to cross the Narrow Sea with, to retake his place as “rightful heir” and ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in Westeros.
Later on, in the episode, we get to see how the Dothraki “turn up” at a party. This was our new Khaleesi’s outfit.
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Season 1 Episode 01
“Winter Is Coming”
Full view of Daenerys on her wedding day as she watches the strange customs of her new people.
Season 1 Episode 01
“Winter Is Coming”
Dany walks through the crowd before Khal Drogo presents his wedding gift to her.
* Note the ring on her right index finger. This ring is meant to have belonged to her mother Queen Rhaella. We’ll see it again throughout the following photos *
The Costume
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Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Dothraki Wedding Dress
This is a pretty simple costume to put together. The dress is a close match to the one Daenerys wore at her Dothraki wedding, the included armbands are a bonus too.
Once you add a wig (which you can find by scrolling this page) you’re pretty much set. Check out more details on the button below.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Three Headed Dragon Pin
“The house is represented by a three headed dragon symbolizing Aegon and his sisters, worn by Daenerys and her late brother Viserys. The pin has been faithfully recreated and makes a great addition to your Game of Thrones collection or adds authenticity to your costume.”
This really gives the costume the authentic edge and is quite inexpensive given that it’s an official replica.
Rhaella Targaryen’s’ Ring
A replica of the ring that first worn by Queen Rhaella Targaryen. Emilia Clarke on the treasured ring; “This ring is, fundamentally, the only thing that Dany’s had from day one, Season 1. It’s her mother’s ring.”

Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Qarth
“When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!”
– Daenerys Targaryen
So by the time Season 2 rolls around, Daenerys has a little more “fire in her belly” (almost literally, if you watched the end of season 1). Her tribe is worn from the road and almost decimated. She’ll do anything to make sure they survive. Even if that means threatening to burn every body in her path to the way of replenishing.
She happens upon Qarth, “the greatest city that ever was and ever will be”. She meets an assortment of eccentric characters and the drama unfolds. But first, we get to see her looking beautiful as they entertain her at court.
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The Costume
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Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Formal Evening Dress
This is a pretty good replica of Dany’s Qarth reception dress. You might want to add some beads as you see her wearing in the close-up shot.
Don’t forget to see the wig section lower on the page to match the style and complete your costume. A great accessory would be a baby dragon in a cage (in the accessories section) as this is how they were shown during these episodes.

Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Blue Riding Dress
“All men must die, but we are not men.”
– Daenerys Targaryen
This outfit was predominately featured in the first half of Game Of Thrones season 3. Most famously in the scene where she fools Kraznys mo Nakloz into holding Drogon, just as she steals his army and turns him into a roast. A dragon is not a slave!
She’s wearing it again early on in season 4 when her crew shows up to take Meereen. There are two slight variations of the outfit that are of little significance. Still, we’d like to point them out for those who are really into detail.
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Daenerys Targaryen
Set Costume “Blue riding outfit”
Designed by Michele Clapton.
Embroidery by Michelle Carragher
Season 3 Episode 04
“And Now His Watch Is Ended”
Front view. Wearing her mother’s ring on left index finger.
Season 4 Episode 03
“Breaker of Chains”
Rear view for hair. Dothraki braids are worn as a symbol of victory.
The Costume
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Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Blue Riding Dress Combo by Delta
This is a pretty close version of Dany’s riding dress (short of the embroidery). Some don’t have the proper cross pattern, and while this doesn’t have the extra black leather, it’s a good version to match the rest of the season. The only real difference is the cloak doesn’t have the reverse colors on the inside.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Blue Riding Dress by CosplaySky
Another great version of the outfit by CosplaySky. They have a good reputation among cosplayers who buy online.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Blue Riding Cloak by CosplaySky
With the reverse colored cloak, this matches the one that Daenerys wear in the series more closely. Whether you want to buy the combo set or separate pieces depends on your needs. Either way, these two options are the closest you’ll get without spending a ton on the embroidered version.

Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 4
“I will answer injustice with justice”
– Daenerys Targaryen
Season 4 lands us in Meereen and it will turn out to be a longer stay than expected. Dany has a few outfits in season 4, but we picked one of the more popular dresses to start. Eventually, we’ll try and expand this season’s wardrobe guide.
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Season 4 Episode 10
“The Children”
Daenerys visits her own “children” in their new accommodations. They’re probably not going to like the new place, being growing boys and all.
The Costume
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Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 5
“I promised you freedom and justice. One cannot exist without the other.”
– Daenerys Targaryen
Being “Queen of Meereen” isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Dany’s got her hands full with the cultural subtleties of a new land, as well as a brewing rebellion in the underbelly of the city’s back streets. She just recently found out her number one trusted ally “Ser Friendzone”, was a Kings Landing spy. And all this while trying to raise teenaged dragon boys!
Well, if you can’t be good at it, at least look good doing it. And that she does.
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Season 5 Episode 01
“The Wars To Come”
Daenerys sits on the throne as Grey Worm stands guard. Hizdahr zo Loraq requests that the fighting pits be reopened.
The Costume
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Daenerys Targaryen Costume: “Mother Of Dragons Dress”
This is a copy of the first white dress that Dany wears in season 5. She wears it throughout the season but this one is different from the season finale. A very close match to the original.

Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 7
“I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and I will”
– Daenerys Targaryen
It’s the return of the Targaryens on Dragonstone! Daenerys finally comes home for the first time since she was born, she wastes no times setting up shop in the house of her ancestors, preparing for the battle that is about to come. Little does she know that she’ll soon be receiving some guests from the North who will try to persuade her to put her plans on hold, as there are more important matters to discuss, matters that may mean the end of them all. Will Daenerys help her new friends, or will she ignore their warnings and become Queen of the Ashes?
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Season 7 Episode 01
Homecoming for a queen. Daenerys lands on the beaches of Dragonstone, finally ready to rule Westeros.
Season 7 Episode 04
“The Spoils of War”
Daenerys Targaryen and her entourage stand on the beach, with new allies Jon Snow and his advisor Ser Davos.
Season 7 Episode 06
“Beyond the Wall”
Tyrion pleads with Daenerys to “do nothing.” If we lose her we are all lost. But, Dany is tired of doing nothing.
The Costume
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Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 7 Premiere Dress
The first dress we see Daenerys wearing upon her arrival on Dragonstone. As the season progresses we’ll see more layered designs, and depending on the time of year, you might prefer this lighter option.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 7 Dress With Chain & Cape
At Dragonstone, Daenerys starts wearing a cape/cloak with a chain and dragon pin. As you’ll notice, she wears a lot of darker colors this season.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 7 “Ice Battle” White Fur
It’s cold in the North, much colder than anything Dany has ever experienced running around the desert for the last seven seasons. The Queen bundles up for battle in this white fur outfit, ready for her meeting with the Night King beyond the wall.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Season 7 Coat With Chain Cape
A variation of the previous chain and cloak outfit, Daenerys wears this costume for her meeting with Cersei in King’s Landing.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume Wigs
“The fairest woman in the world if my brother could be believed.
Her hair is silver-gold, her eyes are amethysts.”
– Victarion Greyjoy, on the rumored beauty of Daenerys Targaryen
We’re not hair stylists here, just Game of Thrones fans who have seen our share of episodes. That being said, a silver queen must live up to her namesake. We’ve rounded up what we think are pretty decent matches for Dany’s different hair styles over the years.
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“Khaleesi” Daenerys Targaryen Deluxe Wig
Generic Daenerys styled wig. Inspired by various hairstyles she’s worn over the years.
“Khaleesi Warrior Princess” Wig
If you’re going as Qarth Dany, this would be the one. Very similar to her reception dress outfit.
“Khaleesi Bride” Daenerys Wig
Similar to Dothraki Wedding Dany. You’ll need to add an extra braid in the back.
Daenerys Targaryen Costume: Accesories
Seal the deal with some cool accessories
Daenerys Targaryen Costume Jewelery
Show House Pride
Dragon Eggs
What’s a mother of dragons if she’s got no kids? If you’re going to an event as Dany in season 1, you might want to add to your costume by bringing along some dragon eggs!
Plush Dragon Eggs
Make your Daenerys costume complete with one of these plush dragon eggs. You can buy them as singles or grab the whole set.
Dragon Eggs Collectable Set
For the more seriously collector. Own a rare treasure from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai.
Looks like one hatched…
Dragon Shoulder Sitter
You’re the Mother of Dragons and you can’t find a babysitter? How about a shoulder sitter? Take your dragon with you with this cool prop that perches right on your shoulder. You may have seen Kristen Wiig wear this same dragon (who she named “Carl”) on Jimmy Fallon when she showed up as (the) “Khaleesi”.